Oracle Database Version 10g and up allows to eliminate duplicate values in array elements using MULTISET operation.
Below is the example
Set serveroutput on ;
DECLARE TYPE T_Sampleid IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 (20); arr_sampleid t_sampleid := T_Sampleid (); arr_sampleid2 t_sampleid := T_Sampleid (); BEGIN --Adding 6 samples... arr_sampleid.EXTEND; arr_sampleid (1) := 'sample G001'; arr_sampleid.EXTEND; arr_sampleid (2) := 'sample G002'; arr_sampleid.EXTEND; arr_sampleid (3) := 'sample G003'; arr_sampleid.EXTEND; arr_sampleid (4) := 'sample G001'; -- duplicate arr_sampleid.EXTEND; arr_sampleid (5) := 'sample G002'; -- duplicate. arr_sampleid.EXTEND; arr_sampleid (6) := 'sample G004'; -- Let's display values DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Display all samples...'); FOR i IN arr_sampleid.FIRST .. arr_sampleid.LAST LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (arr_sampleid (i)); END LOOP; -- same array into array 2 arr_sampleid2 := arr_sampleid; -- Identify distinct and return to main arr_sampleid arr_sampleid := arr_sampleid MULTISET UNION DISTINCT arr_sampleid2; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Display DISTINCT samples...'); FOR i IN arr_sampleid.FIRST .. arr_sampleid.LAST LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (arr_sampleid (i)); END LOOP; END; / Output processing sample: G11-A15214-02-TA0001 1 1 Display all samples... sample G001 sample G002 sample G003 sample G001 sample G002 sample G004 Display DISTINCT samples... sample G001 sample G002 sample G003 sample G004 As you can see in the output, Second set don't have duplicates.